Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yep! This Is A Rant!

After more than one person has called me out and asking me whether I'm on drugs or not, the answer is NO! Say what you want, but I know and God knows and the people who believe me know I'm not on anything. I've never touched anything in my life when it comes to that. Yes, I've tried a sip of alcohol here and there, but that's the extent of my "drug" use. I don't have the desire to do anything of that nature and I don't need people assuming I do that.

To clarify things: Drug use does NOT make someone a "bad" person. I have people in my life that I love that do have addictions to these things. Does that make them a bad person? Hell no. It makes them human. We're all human. And the ones struggling with drugs are no less of a person than you. They're some of the best people I know. Most of them will admit to their faults and tell you straight up about what's going on. And that makes them alot better than most of us. Because we can't make that extra step to admit to our failures and mess-ups. I would trust more of them with my life than I would with those "perfect" people.

WE ALL HAVE ADDICTIONS! Read that again....... Yep, even you, Mr./Miss Perfect person..... I'll be the first to admit that I'm addicted to Facebook. Don't think that's a real addiction? It definitely is. Every time I pick up my phone, I touch that little Facebook app and the same used to be for twitter. You can't say you're not addicted to something, whether it be social media, drugs, material things, food, games, a person, etc. Addiction can be anything at all. And you try to tell me that being addicted to clothes isn't as bad as drugs? How? Oh right, clothes are legal. Who cares? Clothes cost money and clothes also carry the habit of making you think you're better than others just because you have a $50 pair of jeans while I have a $20 pair on.

Addiction is addiction. Take it how you want. Just remember that it doesn't matter what someone does. We are all the SAME. Most importantly, there isn't such a thing as good and bad. Because we all have good and bad in us. Good and bad are the same person. We all mess up and make mistakes. We're all human. God didn't make any of us perfect. And we'll all be tempted by something. Some will be able to fight that off while others will give in. But that just makes us human. And those who admit to making mistakes are heroes and fighters! It doesn't matter the amount of mistakes we make, it's that we get up every time and learn from them and try to do what will make our lives better for us and those we love.

So, the next time you think about judging someone because they sin differently than you, maybe you should look at yourself first and clean our your own closet. I'm sure they already battle themselves enough, they don't need your help.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this rant! It's so true what you said about addictions- everyone has them in some way or another. Us humans sure do have a way of making idols in our lives!
