Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Beginnings. This is good.

Where to begin? I guess I'll start off with talking about my new apartment. It's out in the middle of nowhere and I love it. The upstairs neighbor seems nice and I haven't gotten the chance to talk to the couple that lives beside him. It's nice here and just perfect for me. I'm glad to have freedom to do what I please. I have all my things in here and it's all set up just the way I want. It's amazing.

I got a dog. She's a yorkie. Sweetest thing ever. Her name's Violet. Not my choice. Just FYI. She's a great dog. Last night was the first night I'd had her here. She slept in the bed with me and woke me up a few times. That's okay though. She's adorable. Definitely a good choice.

I spent my Spring break in New York City. Amazing! Incredible! I loved it. So many things happened. I'd write about them, but I'm tired tonight. I promise to make a NYC post soon though. I really like the idea of one day living there. It's far from home, but I think it would be an awesome opportunity for me. I have someone who will go with me too. That makes it 100 times better.

All these new beginnings put a strain on my school work. That sucks, but it's all okay now. I'm getting back into the swing of things. I'm almost halfway done with my career and then who knows what? Life has changed so much in the past 2 1/2 months. I've loved every minute of it. I've gotten a new sense of who I am. I'm doing what I want and not worrying about the people who won't like it. I have some relationships to mend, but I'm slowing working on it. I've let friendships sort of fall away which upsets me. I've just had so much going on, but things are getting back to normal. Most importantly, I've opened my heart to a wonderful man and I don't regret anything. Things finally feel right in my life. Things make sense, but they don't at the same time. I love it.

This has been just one big rambling. I hope you don't mind. If you took the time to read it, thanks. Just know that my life is good at the moment and I'm sorry if I've changed in ways you don't like. I'm still the same person. I've just learned to put myself first.

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