Thursday, March 29, 2012

This Week = AMAZING.

Last week was super stressful. I had a paper due, an exam, and I felt horrible that whole time. I was emotionally drained and it felt pointless to even try anymore. I was to that point of giving up. I kept telling myself that after Friday, things would be okay. I knew this week was going to be amazing. I just had to get here. I was totally correct in my way of thinking. This week has been wonderful.

Monday was a monday. I didn't want to be in class and I didn't pay attention. I wanted the good things happening to hurry up and get here. Like I said, monday was just another monday.

Tuesday was the day of the Red Bus Project. It was awesome. A huge double decker bus all the way from London was here. It had been transformed into a thrift store full of clothes and all money went to benefit orphans around the world. Pretty legit. I went, but didn't find anything. I bought a t-shirt to help support them though and I love it. Definitely awesome. That night, instead of our usual Common Ground, we had a concert on the main quad. Parke Avery was the opening act and he was great. A performance by Caleb then followed which I loved. The way to make me happy? Give me music. That day was great :)

Wednesday was probably the greatest day of them all so far. Jeff Bethke came to speak at Tech. In case you don't know who he is, I'll tell you. He's this amazing guy who writes poetry that makes you really open your eyes. Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus..... Sexual Healing..... and another great one is up on youtube. Go watch them. They'll change your thoughts. They'll make you think about things you normally don't give the time to think about. I'll just recap what he talked about......

Why I hate religion, but love Jesus: This is what he started off with. Just as awesome as the video on youtube. He spoke with such passion. He then gave us a little background to why he was inspired to write this. I'm not going to be exactly correct, but I'll write down what I have that he said.

The differences between religion and Jesus.

1. Religion: If you're moral, God will love you.
    Jesus: I already love you.

2. Religion: There are two types of people, good and bad.
    Jesus: There is only one type of person and you must all go thru me.

3. Religion: If you have enough faith, you can take down the giants in your life.
     Jesus: I am the center of the story, not you. I will fight for you.
*He gave us the example of David and Goliath. He told us about how we always see ourselves as David. That's wrong. Jesus is David and we are Israel. David saves Israel. Jesus saves us.*

4. Religion: We get things if we love God.
    Jesus: You get me, not worldly things.

5. Religion: When you don't get what you want, you're being punished.
    Jesus: Your hands are being put on me, not the worldly things.

6. Religion: Change your behavior to change your nature.
    Jesus: Let him plant a new tree, don't just try to pick off the bad fruit.

All true, right?? There's a big difference.....

Here's just a few things he said that I found amazing.

Guys: To be a rebel, you should learn to treat a girl right, love God, and read your bible.

Sex is supposed to be vulnerable. It's the physical aspect of what  love really is emotionally, spiritually......

Heaven is a place for people who love God, not for people who are scared of Hell.

Jesus embraces us in our filth. He takes our sin from us.

God loves you right now, not the future you. (Probably my favorite)

If you want fair, then we would all be in hell.

God doesn't owe us anything.

Jesus doesn't grade on a curve. He grades on a cross. You enter through that or you don't enter at all.

Last night was a blessing. He talked about all of this and more. He brought up the simple fact as for us to do what we feel glorifies the lord. We aren't to pass judgement on others. He talked about rated R movies and alcohol. Just hearing what he said was awesome. Knowing there's someone who sees it the way I do is great. I won't judge you for how you see such things, so don't judge me.

Today has been great. I went to advisement and found out I could easily get a minor in something. Now, I just get to decide what I'm going to minor in. I went to class and then I got to talk to Laura about a bunch of things which was great. I feel like I haven't been able to really talk to anyone in quite a while about anything. We then went to Steak n Shake where I made things as awkward as possible for everyone near us haha :) Story of my life.

Tomorrow is hopefully going to be good. If all goes as mentioned, I get to see my bestest friend :) I also get to start a weekend with me doing absolutely nothing. Then, my family comes up Saturday for a little while. I then get to go to church on Sunday and do homework..... Yay.....

I guess this all leads to the fact that I've had an awesome week and tomorrow is the day I'm looking forward to the most. Hopefully I get to see my best friend and my week will be complete. What can i say? I have attachment issues..... :)

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