Well it's been a while since I've been able to write. Things have been crazy of course.
#1 -- Pa died on the 14th. Even with him gone, I still expect him to show up at any minute doing something for me. It's hard to believe he's gone. My wonderful grandfather who was more of a father to me than anyone could ever be. I know he's in a better place, but sometimes I just want him back here. I miss him so much.
#2 -- I hate my job. It's okay at times, but I hate when people want to make me feel stupid. That's just not cool at all. I'm quitting as soon as school starts back. I know what you're thinking... I should stay. I'm not going to be miserable though.
#3 -- Guys. Where would I be without them? I attempted to move on from the wonderful friend. I can't do that though. He's clearly the only person I want and I can't push my feelings for him onto someone else. Why? Simply because they aren't him. They're nowhere close to him. I wish it was easier to get over him, but I can't. It's sad..... Two guys showed up and they were entertaining for a while. I thought I might gain feelings for one of them. I was wrong. Why? Because he's a jerk... Eh, they both are obviously. I'm wasting my time.
#4 -- Today has just been an eye-opening day. I've learned that I just have to keep praying and stop doing stupid things. I know what feels right and I'm willing to wait for it.
I guess I don't have much to say other than that....
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